Stand-Down for Safety

NAHB takes safety seriously. On Thursday, April 16, the NAHB is urging members, and all residential construction companies, to halt work for at least 10 minutes for a COVID-19 Job Site Safety Stand-Down.

The goal is to educate workers on what they should do to keep themselves safe from coronavirus and to help “flatten the curve” for everyone.

NAHB has developed detailed blueprints — in English and Spanish — for Georgetown TX roof builders to conduct their COVID-19 safety stand-downs, including guidance on sharing the resources digitally.

The Department of Homeland Security recently designated the construction of single-family and multifamily housing as an “Essential Infrastructure Business.” This designation allows construction to continue in places under stay-at-home orders. Although this designation is not binding on state and local governments, it does mean that there could be more workers on construction sites in the coming weeks.

Relay Coronavirus Safety Precautions

As part of the safety stand-down, members are being asked to pause all work for at least 10 minutes to relay coronavirus safety precautions. These precautions include maintaining a distance of no less than six feet with others at all times, cleaning and sanitizing frequently used tools, equipment, and often touched surfaces regularly and ensuring the proper sanitation of everyday surfaces and equipment. The safety information can also be distributed digitally (through email or text).

NAHB and other construction industry partners have also developed a comprehensive Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan for Construction that outlines the steps every employer and employee should take to reduce the risk of exposure to and transmission of COVID-19. It describes how to prevent worker exposure to coronavirus, protective measures to be made on the job site, personal protective equipment, and work practice controls to be used, cleaning and disinfecting procedures, and what to do if a worker becomes sick.

NAHB and industry partners also have created a quick-reference job site checklist for employers and employees and a job site safety poster — available in English and Spanish — for release throughout the workplace.

Access materials


There is no shortage of tools to help you succeed during these challenging times.

Here’s some additional reading for living in today’s world of social distancing. 

Whether you are new to working from home, or you commonly do it, here’s a range of resources and fresh tips to update your sales process, improve organization, close more Georgetown TX Roofing business with home financing, and how to manage communications during COVID.

  • Working from Home – Is Your Sales Process Ready? Click here.
  • What Does it Mean to Work from Home as a Contractor? Click here.
  • Home Improvement Financing that Helps You Close More Business. Click here.
  • Over Communicate with Your Clients During COVID-19. Click here.